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Here are the links.
Surf music rocks as you probably already know. I hope you enjoy these links.

Surfrider, please Take a Journey to the Stars and then Walk Don't Run over to the beach and go Surfin USA. Try not to Wipeout. In the evening, don't that sun look good going down? Observe the Blue Moon as you put on your Yellow Jacket...

Good Sites
SurfTalk Message Board An excellent surf music message board.
Harmony Central One of my favorite guitar/music related sites.
Google Google is a great fast search engine.
Bill Lawrence Pickups Bill Lawrence is the maker awesome guitar pickups. He sells them direct from his factory. Checkout the L-280s for strats.

Tech 21 Tech 21 is the maker of cool amps, overdrives, and direct recording preamps.

Other Sites
The Ventures The Ventures Official Site